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How to Lose Weight Without Dieting- Expert Insight

How to Lose Weight Without Dieting

 2 Steps How to Lose Weight Without Dieting-Expert Insight

In your opinion, can I lose weight by diet alone?

Eating healthy and exercising is the best combination when it comes to starting to lose weight. To lose 1 pound per week, you need to lose at least 500 calories for a total of 3,500 in a week. And it doesn't matter if you do it through diet, exercise, or a combination of both. If you are a very active person and enjoy exercising, then take advantage of it by burning as many calories as possible through physical activity. However, diet is usually necessary to ensure more optimal weight loss.

Diet and Weight Loss

Diet is more important than exercise when it comes to weight loss. Really? According to a 2009 case study by researchers at Loyola University Health System, diet is the key to losing weight faster and more effectively. This confirms previous findings. In a 2000 study published in "Exercise and Sport Science Review," people who follow a diet program can lose up to 18.5 lbs. while those who only exercised lost only 1.3 lbs. or less.

Expert Insight

While diet is more important for weight loss, exercise is more important for maintaining that loss. If you choose to exercise while dieting, then you need to pay attention to your diet. Exercise can increase your appetite and may cause you to eat more, which can slow weight loss. For best results, monitor your calorie intake and do a combination of aerobic activity and weight training.
Weight training can build muscle, which in turn speeds up your metabolism and can help you lose weight faster and more effectively.

2 Steps How to Lose Weight Without Dieting:

1. Exercise

Exercise doesn't burn as many calories as people think. This is one reason why weight loss is not as important as diet. For example, 155-lb. A person can burn 281 calories after an hour of doing hatha yoga and 211 calories after an hour of water aerobics. These are fewer calories than can be found in a simple grilled cheese sandwich, which contains 291 calories. Your current weight and age and the level of intensity at which you exercise can all affect the number of calories you burn.

2. Maximizing Weight Loss

There are two best ways to maximize weight loss: 

1. Exercising (run)

When exercising, choose the activity that burns the most calories per hour. For example, running can burn more than 1,000 calories per hour, whereas playing golf will burn 300 calories or less

2. low Calorie

When there is a meal, concentrate on substituting for lower-calorie options. Choose natural foods over processed versions to save calories and improve your health. Eating fruit is better than drinking juice and you can save 50 calories or more. The extra fiber will also help you stay regular and lower your cholesterol levels. You can also save the same number of calories by choosing unsweetened yogurt over plain or light mayonnaise over regular.

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